Port of Québec
Water Temperature

21.7C (71.1F)


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Water Temperature

21.7C (71.1F)


Next Tide






Media and public relations



Québec, June 1, 2015 – The President and Chief Executive Officer of the Québec Port Authority (QPA), Mario Girard, salutes the initiative of the Mayor of Québec, Régis Labeaume, in identifying promising projects for Québec’s future. Addressing these priorities will result in continued vitality, prosperity and strong economic development for the region.

This morning, the Mayor of Québec showed leadership and vision by pledging his support to growth-generating projects including the construction of a US pre-clearance facility at Jean Lesage International Airport, the creation of a northern research centre at Laval University, the funding and expansion of the National Optics Institute (INO) and the Port of Québec’s strategic projects.

The Port of Québec's projets

The international marine transportation market is experiencing sustained growth that has been beneficial to the Port of Québec’s activities, thanks in part to the port’s strategic advantage of having 15 metres’ water depth at low tide. However, it must now contend with congestion at its docks at peak times, which undermines its competitiveness compared to US ports. In addition, the port lacks the necessary space to accommodate new business opportunities and meet the growing demand for Canadian exports. Finally, as the oldest Canadian port, it needs to generate sufficient revenue to cover the costs of rehabilitating the existing infrastructure.

To face these challenges, the Québec Port Authority is putting forward an overall strategic project to develop new port infrastructure. The overall project, known as Beauport 2020, is located in the port sector of Beauport. It is estimated at $530 million and will be carried out in two phases.

Phase 1 of the project proposes to extend the current wharf line by 610 metres with a water depth at low tide of 16 metres, create 18.5 hectares of new land, and fortify and reorganize the existing beach. The Beauport 2020 – Phase 1 project requires an investment of $190 million, $62 million of which is requested from the federal government as part of the New Building Canada Fund: National Infrastructure Component.

The creation of this new economic space will create new business opportunities that will generate private infrastructure investment of $250 to $400 million for transfer and storage operations. During the construction phase, which is planned to take five years, the project will create 1,200 jobs per year. Afterward, all these infrastructures will create 1,100 additional permanent jobs and bring in an additional $100 million in economic benefits. It should be noted that following the construction of the first phase, each of the new projects will undergo an environmental assessment process involving public participation.

“These projects have remarkable synergy. The Jean Lesage Airport project aligns perfectly with the development of international cruises. The creation of a northern research centre will benefit from the Port of Québec’s links with the Far North. And the port already benefits from INO’s pilot projects on its territory. By combining projects connected by knowledge, creativity, innovation and fluidity in the transportation of goods and people, the Mayor of Québec is prioritizing undertakings that will make Québec’s economy more robust, vital and prosperous. His support for these growth-generating projects represents a key stage in their development and demonstrates their strategic importance,” said Mr. Girard.

The Mayor of Québec also expressed his support for the cruise ship terminal project known as Québec, a destination of choice on the St. Lawrence. This large-scale tourism project involves redesigning the Ross Gaudreault Cruise Terminal and a mobile terminal at wharf 30 in the Estuary sector. The cost of this project is $89.5 million.

Mr. Labeaume also pledged his support to the Anse au Foulon harbour walkway project. This project, which is estimated at $12 million, includes a redesigned cycling path; the addition of a pedestrian path, lookouts and observation points; features that highlight port heritage; and the creation of typical port street furniture.

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Source :

Marie-Andrée Blanchet
Advisor, Public Relations and Events
Québec Port Authority
Tel. : (418) 648-3640
[email protected]