Port of Québec
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21.6C (70.9F)


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Water Temperature

21.6C (70.9F)


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Media and public relations

Wood pellets terminal: Construction of a first dome


Québec, November 15, 2013 – A first dome will be erected over the next few hours as part of the wood pellet terminal construction project under way in the western part of the Anse au Foulon sector. 
Using a construction technique that involves filling a soft casing with air, the casing will assume the shape of the wood pellet terminal’s first dome. The procedure will begin this evening and should be completed overnight. Motorists on Champlain Boulevard should see the new structure appear by the end of the day. If winds become too strong, the procedure may be postponed.  

In the coming weeks, the inflatable structure will be reinforced with concrete applied to the casing’s inner surface. Date of construction has not been established for second dome. Construction work will continue throughout the next months to prepare for the tonnage that will begin arriving by train in August 2014.

 As previously mentioned, the QPA will put forth an Advisory Committee composed of experts from the fields of visual arts or architecture who will be mandated to advise the port on the best way to visually integrate the domes in their urban environment. The conclusions brought forward by the Advisory Committee will be made ​​public and citizens will have the opportunity to comment. 

 In addition, the QPA is committed to achieving an urban development project that would rejuvenate the port-city interface throughout the Anse au Foulon sector. This project will deploy from Côte Gilmour to Bassin Brown. With the assistance of a specialized firm, QPA will design a development project that will be in continuity with the Promenade Samuel-de-Champlain. This project will be subject to a public consultation to be held in 2014.  


 For additional information: 

 Anick Métivier 

Assistant Manager, Sustainable Development and Community Relations

Québec Port Authority

Tel.: 418-648-3640

Email: [email protected]