The Port of Québec’s Sustainable Development Approach
Sustainable development is a priority for the Port of Québec. In 2023, it prepared a new environmental, social, and governance (ESG) strategy in parallel with the adoption of its third sustainable development action plan for 2024–2028.
The ESGSD (Environment, Social, Governance, and Sustainable Development) Plan aligns closely with both the 2035 Vision and the United Nations’ sustainable development goals (SDGs) by implementing 20 specific actions, grouped around the four following priorities.

See the specific actions in the ESGSD 2024–2028 plan.
Action Plan
Port of Québec sustainable development reports
The Port of Québec adopted its first sustainable development action plan more than a decade ago, in 2014. The second plan, for 2017 to 2022, was adopted in 2016. Annual status reports were released and made public for this plan. By the end of 2022, 96% of the actions had been successfully completed.
See our sustainable development reports below (in French only).
United Nations Global Compact and International Association Cities & Ports’ 2030 Agenda
The Port of Québec is a proud participant in the United Nations Global Compact. This represents a commitment to integrate the Compact’s principles into its strategy, culture, and day-to-day operations, and to promote them within its sphere of influence.
The Port is also taking steps to implement the 17 SDGs through its 2035 Vision and its new ESGSD plan. The SDGs are also linked to the 2030 Agenda of the International Association Cities & Ports (AIVP), which was ratified by the Port of Québec in 2019.
The Port of Québec has long been involved in the AIVP, whose objective is to improve the relationship between city and port through a process of mutual cooperation, for urban, port, and economic development that’s more sustainable, more responsible, and more innovative, putting citizens at the heart of everything ports do.
In 2024, the integration of the 17 SDGs into its practices made the Port of Québec the first port in North America to receive Biosphere certification, a sustainable development certification recognized worldwide in the tourism industry.