Press release

Workgroup Report on Air Quality: The Port of Québec will contribute to the collective effort to implement recommendations

Québec City, January 31, 2023 – The Port of Québec has reviewed the report on air quality presented today by the Groupe de travail sur les contaminants atmosphériques (GTCA, air contaminants workgroup) and adheres to the principles of continuous improvement that are outlined therein. The report sheds new light on the overall actions with the greatest potential to improve the situation. For its part, the Port intends to continue its efforts toward improving air quality.

The task force has precisely identified the various sources of measurable atmospheric contaminants in the Lower Town and Limoilou, giving a clear picture of the situation and providing citizens with answers.

Collaborate with all stakeholders involved in implementing recommendations 
The Port welcomes the recommendations of the report and is committed to collaborating with port-related and other stakeholders to help with their implementation. Some of these are already addressed in the Port priorities and in Vision 2035, presented a few days ago by President and CEO Mario Girard. This is namely the case for shore power to cruise ships. The Port is already working to accelerate its deployment and, with its maritime partners, is also analyzing the potential for electrification or use of cleaner fuels for commercial ships as well as for other internal combustion engine vehicles on its territory.

Regarding nickel in particular, the Port of Québec is aware of the community’s concern and intends to support Glencore Co. to maintain good practices and the continuous improvement of operating conditions. As mentioned in the report, many improvements have been made over the past ten years. The company is currently analyzing the complete closure of ships’ holds when loading and unloading and innovative solutions are being developed.

The Port of Québec also subscribes to the proposed measures regarding monitoring mechanisms, enhanced through technology and continuous improvement of dust management procedures. These measures are already among the best practices implemented on the port territory for more than ten years. The Port will continue to work with operators to keep improving these measures and is open to considering an independent audit approach that would apply to the various industrial sites in Limoilou and the Lower Town, including the port territory. 

“I applaud the quality of the workgroup’s report. Its conclusions are clear, and the citizens of Limoilou and the Lower Town finally have a comprehensive picture of the air quality. The report’s recommendations will definitely help accelerate change. This is a major joint endeavour. The Port of Québec is already taking action to deploy several of the recommendations and we will collaborate with all stakeholders, both at the Port with operators and with civil society and the governments, to meet the deadlines proposed in the report.”
Mario Girard, President and CEO

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Out of respect for the GTCA, the Port of Québec will issue no further comments, leaving it to the GTCA’s representatives to present the report to the public.

Frédéric Lagacé
Communications Director
418 929-5031
[email protected]