The Quebec Port Authority undertakes to make all reasonable efforts to offer its users living with situations of disability the same possibility of access to its services.
Accessibility plan and feedback process 2023-2026
The Authority has published its accessibility plan and feedback process to promote inclusiveness and participation for all:
The Authority values feedback from its employees, partners and citizens regarding their experience with the Authority, we invite you to submit your questions or suggestions, for improvement, to:
Designated person to receive comments
The Authority’s Director of Community Relations is responsible for receiving comments on the accessibility plan and any related issues.
How to submit a comment:
By phone:
418 263-3830 and mention that you wish to contact the Community Relations Department about accessibility.
By email :
[email protected] with the word Accessibility in subject.
By mail :
A/S Direction, Community Relations
Quebec Port Authority
150, Dalhousie street
Succ. Haute-Ville, C.P. 80
Quebec (Québec) G1R 4M8
By providing a forwarding address.
For comments made by email or post, an acknowledgement of receipt will be sent within five (5) working days of receipt, with the exception of anonymous feedback.
The Administration’s response will be made in the same way as it was received.
Anonymous feedback
Anyone wishing to remain anonymous may provide feedback on accessibility anonymously. Only Authority staff and those directly involved in the Authority’s accessibility improvement process will receive feedback.
Availability of the plan
If you would like to receive this accessibility plan in another format, please note that a version is available at the Administration reception desk at 150 Dalhousie street.
You can also request a copy in Braille or audio format, via Director, Community relations. In this case, a delay of forty-five (45) days following receipt of the request must be taken into account.
Website Accessibility
The Authority aims to improve access to web content and services for all customers, including people with a situation of disability and the elderly with diminished capacities due to ageing. In this way, people can perceive, understand, navigate and interact with this website.
To this end, the Authority strives to ensure that its website, including the content