Port of Québec
Water Temperature

21.6C (70.9F)


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Water Temperature

21.6C (70.9F)


Next Tide






Media and public relations



Québec, Friday, June 21, 2019 – At the annual public meeting of the Québec Port Authority (QPA), held today at the cruise terminal, the organization recapped a 2018 fiscal year marked by major investments in port infrastructure. 

The QPA invested nearly $70 million toward repairing and improving its infrastructure in 2018. The Port began a major infrastructure upgrade program made possible by a $15 million financial contribution from the federal government through the National Trade Corridors Fund (NTCF). The QPA plans to complete the construction that is currently underway in the Beauport, Estuary, and Anse-au-Foulon sectors by 2020. 

As announced in 2018, two major development projects will kick off this year: the creation of La Coop fédérée’s grain export marine terminal and the building of a second cruise terminal at Dock 30 intended for embarkation and disembarkation operations for large ships. 

All in all, these projects account for $169 million in investments on the port territory.

“2018 was a pivotal year for the Port of Québec. We announced massive investments in our infrastructure, which will drive the Port of Québec forward and strengthen its position as a strategic Canadian port and economic growth engine,” said Mario Girard, CEO of the Port of Québec.

Laurentia, the new container terminal

In 2018 the Port pursued its work on the environmental assessment currently underway and continued soliciting partners on the commercial front. The latter efforts began to bear fruit in May when the Port announced a long-term commercial agreement with Hutchison Ports, the largest port network in the world, and Canadian National (CN), the leading transportation and logistics company in North America, to build and operate the new container terminal.

When the agreement was announced, the Port unveiled the new brand image for its deepwater container terminal, with the name Laurentia in homage to the continent’s origins.

Strong numbers in 2018 

The Port of Québec continued to post strong growth in international cruises, with an impressive 230,940 visitors in 2018, a 15% increase over the 2017 season. Numbers in other areas were also up, with 156 ships calling at the Port, 14 of them embarking and disembarking and eight making their maiden call, including the famous Disney Magic.

With 27.6 million tonnes of cargo handled in 2018, the Port saw a significant increase in the agrifood and liquid bulk sectors. 
The QPA finished the year with sales at $36.8 million, a 4% increase over the $35.4 million in sales posted in 2017. 

Committed to the community 

In 2018, the QPA continued implementing its 2017-2022 Sustainable Development Action Plan and carried out a number of environmental and social engagement initiatives. It purchased hybrid and electric vehicles and began work on its green belt initiative, which will ultimately bring new trees and greenery to about 4.4 hectares of port land by 2022. 
With its central location in Québec City, the Port has been committed to working with and for the community on all its projects in order to help improve quality of life both for the current population and for future generations. In 2018, this ongoing dialogue ook place in part through the Community Relations Committee (CRC), which met with the QPA six times last year, and through the Environmental Citizen Participation Process (ECPP), to which the QPA submitted 36 projects.
The Port of Québec hosted the 16th AIVP World Conference Cities and Ports on the theme “NEXT GENERATION: Port cities and human aspirations” in June 2018. In addition to this annual industry event, the Port also coorganized the Grande fête maritime familiale and was the host site for more than 200 local events including Grands Feux Loto-Québec, the Festibière terrace pub, Village Nordik, and the Féria circus show. Plus the Port of Québec’s Beauport Bay saw record attendance with a total of 93,488 visitors enjoying the beach in the city.

The Québec Port Authority is an autonomous federal agency constituted under the Canada Marine Act. The ships that pass through the Port are central to a supply chain that transports approximately $20 billion in goods each year. The Port of Québec is a maritime hub that generates over 8,000 direct and indirect jobs in the Québec City region according to the latest KPMG/SECOR study.    

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For more information:
Marie-Andrée Blanchet
Public Relations and Events
Québec Port Authority
[email protected]